In our library, you will find helpful documents, reports, publications, and discussions provided by attorney Bob Battle.
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Minnesota Law making purchases property of stateMinnesota Law making purchases property of state at issue in DUI source code case
Minnesota Supreme Court Upholds Trial Court's Decision Requiring State to Reveal Intoxilyzer 5000 Source CodesMinnesota Supreme Court Upholds Trial Court's Decision Requiring State to Reveal Intoxilyzer 5000 Source Codes.
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Virginia Police Can't Arrest for Driving on SuspendedMoore v. CW- VA Supreme Court holds that Virginia law requires that police issue Summons for Driving on Suspended license and that arrest was improper.
Virginia Courts Rule that Police Can't Arrest for Driving on Suspended and Escape from Police not UnlawfulIn Cross v CW- Virginia Court of Appeals cites case stating that police may not arrest for Driving on Suspended and that Motorist who fled from police was resisting an unlawful arrest, which is not unlawful in Virginia.
Code of Virginia Searchable site that provides access to Virginia code.Code of Virginia- searchable
Legislative Information System Includes bill tracking, browsing and searching, a comprehensive subject index of bills, resolutions and documents, and state code searching.Legislative Information System Includes bill tracking, browsing and searching, a comprehensive subject index of bills, resolutions and documents, and state code searching.
Virginia Administrative Code Searchable database.Virginia Administrative Code Searchable database.
General District Court Case Information Locate your Traffic or Misdemeanor Case OnlineGeneral District Court Case Information
Tort Reform: Do As I Say, Not As I DoThe Center for Justice and Democracy has compiled an interesting list of some of the more lawsuit-happy members of the Tort Reform movement. The names on the list may surprise you.
Moore v CWTraffic Stop Reasonable Suspicion to Stop
DUI conviction based on blood alcohol concentration after drivingHB 3049 Proposed bill regarding DUI conviction based on blood alcohol concentration after driving. Substitutes "at any time after driving" for "while driving" in the DUI statute to describe the point in time at which a concentration of .08% alcohol in the bloodstream is sufficient for conviction.